Friday, April 9, 2010

With renewed vigor! Spring helps, I suppose.

(in British accent) RIGHT!

(back to normal) Working at the shop, the coffee roaster datalogging project, keeping up with my daughter Maya, a coffee trip to Ethiopia, and the soul-sucking power of Winter delayed me, but I SHALL TARRY NO LONGER! The Portland Cup Project is "ON, BABY!" (sm Michael Steele).

I had a great conversation in the shop the other day with Sarah "Frances" Michaelson of City Repair, etc renown. She was very encouraging and suggested that "building our base" and getting the word out might be a great next step. To that point, I am going to begin talking to coffee shop owners, baristas, coffee drinkers, designers, elected officials, really anyone who'll listen to me about the idea of a Ubiquitous, Durable, Reusable Cup System for Portland.

I'm going to be hosting a Portland Cup design charrette ( this Spring/Summer maybe or maybe not in conjunction with the Village Building Convergence ( During these sessions, which I'll outline soon, we'll "discover" what the actual Portland Cup will look like and be made of, how the cup distribution/washing/accounting system will work, and how much all of this will cost/save in dollars/trees.

Time to start a Facebook page as well, methinks!

1 comment:

  1. when will this fabled facebook page arrive?
    I'd love to stay current on your progress..
